TIGER Physical Exams

All TIGER physical exams are held in the Ryals Building (http://www.uab.edu/map/rphb)1665 University Blvd, in Room 417.  Enter the building in front on the University Blvd side and take the stairs or elevator to the fourth floor – the TIGER assessment room is about halfway down the hallway on the right.  Check in with the TIGER Staff who will provide further directions on where to go and what to do.

WHAT TO WEAR please wear comfortable clothing to your exam, similar to clothes you would wear to work out.  If you have not yet had your skinfolds and circumferences measured, please be sure to wear non-bulky clothing that will allow us to access areas for skinfold measurements.  For women, the skinfold sites are: back of the arm, top of the hip, and front of thigh.  For men, the sites are: top of the chest, abdomen, and front of the thigh.

BLOOD DRAW please come 10 HOURS FASTING for your blood draw.  This means nothing to eat or drink but water, including no gum, candy or breath mints, for 10 hours prior to your exam.  You can brush your teeth, and please do DRINK PLENTY OF WATER!

DXA please come dressed to work out in clothes that do not contain any metal elements – no metal zippers, no metal studs or decorations, and no metal underwire.  Please remove all metal jewelry and inform the DXA technician of any piercings you do not wish to remove.  Women will  be required to take a pregnancy test to verify non-pregnant status prior to scanning, so please be prepared to provide a small urine sample.  You can eat before your DXA exam.